
Writing is hard but life is short

how do I change this..

Br ok e n

I feel like to an extent we’re all broken. I have some kind of disorder not even my therapist can diagnose after a month, I’m unmotivated, I’m slow, and quick to panic. My friend [–] deals with stress and anxiety from his sexuality, and vents online about his family and their pressures. My other friend…


(: oaml stnemmoc eht ni yboocS taht htiw umh ,siht gnidaer yllautca er’uoy fI .em no dah yeht thguoht yeht daer eht fo etisoppo etelpmoc a tsuj tub ,yracs fo dink ygde na ton ,ekiL .ees yeht tahw fo deracs neve ro desirprus eb d’yeht nepo yletelpmoc eb ot erew I fi ekil leef I…

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